Friday, July 9, 2010

Batak culture in the Developing Between pistil - culture

The meaning of the Batak culture, in which all of the values of the Batak tribes living in the times ahead is channeling of the value of past life and became a decisive factor as the identity. Reflection of the values of life into a cirri which are peculiar to the Batak tribes namely: belief and trust that there is a Creator God who created the universe and everything in it, including the heavens and the earth.

To achieve a balance in carrying values of life as a social creature who is always interacting with each other, God is the Creator as a point of orientation sipritualnya, the natural environment as an object of the Batak tribes integrity * I have been shaded.

Thy servant's life serves as a limit order to achieve the true values. Unang marked with the word servant (Do), Tongka (Abstinence), Sotung (Do Until), Dang So (No Can).

As a result of irregularities order is made Uhum life or law. Uhum (Law) are indicated by words; Aut (if), Duru (Retired),
Sala (Guilty), Baliksa (Unless), Hinorhon (result), Laos (over limit), Dando (Fine), Tolon (Oath), spittle (profanity), etc..

In carrying out his life, especially the Batak ethnic group interaction among humans is made of values, ethics and aesthetics are named Traditional. Batak tribes have known kinship systems and life until now that is Partuturon. Warning not to violate * I was confirmed with the word Sotung (Do Until). Dan, forbids any violation of rules, known as Subang words (prohibition)

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